Hi!  My name is Rachel Bailiff and this is my blog wherein I’m going to attempt to simply tell our family’s story and relay some of the methods we’re using to try to heal our leaky guts and put a couple of autoimmune conditions (Celiac disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis) into remission.

I’m a wife to one fine man and a mom to four young human pups, three wild and crazy girls and one sweet and stinky little boy.

My heart truly doth overfloweth with all the yummy, scrumptious (but also kind of making me crazy) little kid critter feels.

Our family has been through a heck of a lot of trails and struggles over the past several years most of which have all been related to leaky gut syndrome and autoimmunity.  It has been a heck of a ride and it’s not over yet.

At present, our family is following the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP diet) with a few modifications based on the results of our food intolerance testing (we did IgG dried blood spot collection testing through Alletess Medical Laboratory for each member of our family).

My desire for this blog is that it will provide a bit of catharsis for me by simply telling our family’s story and also, hopefully, provide a resource of sorts to anyone who may find themselves on a similar health journey.  If I can help one person connect a couple dots or shorten the learning curve even just a little bit so that you get to your healing tipping point just a little bit faster, that would be very satisfying for me.

If you have found this blog, it is probably because you are dealing with some kind of health challenge of your own and for that, I am very sorry.

The good news is you are not alone.  I am not alone.  We are in this together and we can overcome.

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